Disneyland Paris Rumour: New Christmas Parade Float to Feature Winnie The Pooh & Friends
It was back in June that @DisneylandBerry brought to our attention two changes to Disney’s enchanted Christmas, and one of those a new float being added to the Christmas Parade. Earlier today he gave us an update on that float, and here it is:
New float on the Christmas Cavalcade of this year, with Winnie the Pooh and his Friends
— DisneylandBerry (@DisneylandBerry) August 29, 2015
Winnie and friends aren’t new to the Christmas Parade as they were a part of it last year, but just on foot, in between floats and interacting with guests. For Disney’s Enchanted Christmas 2015 they get an upgrade, and a float of their very own. This will make two Winnie The Pooh floats in Disneyland Paris this Christmas as @InsideDLParis confirmed also today, that as of now plans are for Disney Magic on Parade to return this Christmas, after being left out of the schedule last year. It’ll be their only solo float of the season though, because of course Winnie shares the Toy Story float while his friends follow behind on foot.
If I’m entirely honest, which I always am, I’m a little disappointed. The characters from 100 Acre Wood aren’t my favourite, and I’d liked to have seen something new added to the Christmas Parade, especially given all the amazing characters that have come from Disney films in the past decade. It could be budget constraints, with Disneyland Paris having to license the use of characters in the Parks, in which case I should be thankful the extra float is being added at all really, but as fans we always want more!
It’ll be interesting to see what the float looks like, and what theme it will take. I guess Christmas in 100 Acre Wood is a theme in itself, so it probably doesn’t need much more. I’m sure the smaller children will be thrilled, as will Winnie fans of all ages, and putting my own personal disappointment aside, an ever expanding Christmas in Disneyland Paris can only be a good thing. The more I hear, the more it sounds like Disneyland Paris is en rote to achieving the impossible, and making Disney’s Enchanted Christmas even better this year.