If Disneyland Paris took over the world!
You don’t need me to tell you how wonderfully striking the buildings and attractions at Disneyland Paris are, but looking through some photos earlier I started to think how much fun it would be if landmarks from the real world were replaced by those from Disneyland Paris. A bit of thinking and a little time in Photoshop, and here is what I have come up with.

Replacing Windsor Castle with Sleeping Beauty’s Castle seemed the most obvious, and it works rather well. I think it adds a lot to the regal skyline, and with all those grounds leading up to the Castle there would be plenty of space of some meet and greets. Perhaps one of the buildings to the side could be made into a big Prince and Princess themed restaurant.

Replacing the Colosseum in Italy with Space Mountain 2 may not seem like an obvious choice but the photo I found of the Colosseum in the evening reminded me so much of a similar twilight photo of Space Mountain that I couldn’t resist. At least people wouldn’t get wet when it rains any more!

I can’t be the only one who has looked at the White House and thought it needed a bit of pink, blue and gold. No? Just me then. You have to admit it does work very well and imagine if the ideals of It’s A Small World permeated into world politics – the world would be a far better place.

What I really loved about this creation, is that like many stories of hauntings and posessions, the original entity can still be seen in some way. With this example, while the Phantom Manor has taken over, the orginal Taj Mahal can be seen in the reflection in the water. Besides, it was all looking a bit too white – some darkness was needed.

We end on one of the most iconic wonders on earth and in Walt Disney Studios. This is a nice contrast between what man was able to create many years ago with the most primitive of tools and machinery, and the futuristic technology that goes into animation in the modern world.
I wonder, can you think of any more examples that would fit in with these? If you want to go one step further than please create your own examples of Disneyland Pasis in the real world and email them to me and I’ll feature them in a follow up article.