Farewell Animagique, we’ll miss seeing you in Disneyland Paris
Today, Sunday 31st January 2016, Animagique in Walt Disney Studios Disneyland Paris will close. After almost 14 years of service, the final showing will be at 6pm this evening and after that the building will be closed to make way for Mickey and the Magician which is set to open on July 2nd of this year.
I really liked Animagique – it had a classic charm, with its mixture of puppetry and blacklight theatre effects. It was something I’d always wait until the end of the holiday to do, as a rest in the sit down theatre was always welcome. This could have been my downfall though, as the hypnotic mature of the show and warm building would often see me nodding off and sleeping through big chunks of the show. I liked that it was original Disneyland Paris show, and it remained that way for its whole run. It also had one of the most iconic pieces of music in Disneyland Paris history, which now I have said that I guarantee you are singing to yourself. This seems the right place to add the video, so we can enjoy the music and show once again – come on, join me as we watch Mickey, Donald and friends:
Whilst I am most definitely looking forward to seeing what Mickey and the Magician brings us, I’ll miss the symmetry of having Animagique and CineMagique either side of Studio 1. Who knows, maybe it will be Mickey and the Magician inside the Animmagique Theatre? Unlikely, but stranger things have happened, haven’t they?
We must look forward and embrace change, but Animagique was a big favourite in this house and it will be sorely missed. We saw it on our first trip to Disneyland Paris in 2002 and on every family trip thereafter. La la la la la la ANIMAGIQUE – thanks for the memories.
Monday 1st February Update
The full final performance of Animagique
Animagique behind the scenes footage and information video made by Disneyland Paris