Disneyland Paris Pins for July 2011
Fresh off the press is the new Disneyland Paris pin releases for July 2011:

Not much for my tastes there, cupcakes aren’t really my thing. Perhaps someone can explain the relevance of them – have Disney Cupcakes become the in thing lately? I quite like the Barbossa pin but only for the ship in a bottle dangling from the main part of the pin, though I’d have preferred that to have shown a photo of Jack and Gibbs, as that was a more memorable scene from the film involving a ship in a bottle.
I quite like the Stitch and Angel mug pins, though with the cupcakes July’s releases are a bit too cutesy. The classic Disney characters released on July 30th couldn’t be more boring if they tried, which they obviously haven’t. Sorry to sound so grouchy about this month’s releases but there really isn’t much to get excited about. I’ve not been impressed with the pins in recent months. Let’s hope August brings something better.
Let me know what you think – maybe you like this month’s releases more than me?