Disneyland Paris News: runDisney Half Marathon Confirmed For 2017
We are a little over 5 months away from the inaugural runDisney Half Marathon in Disneyland Paris and just today, ED92 have published an interview they conducted with Laurent Charbonnier (in charge of Sports Events at Disneyland Paris Business Solutions) confirming next years event will be held September 22nd-24th 2017. I say it’s a half marathon, only because that is the distance for the event this year and I’m assuming it will be the same next year, but maybe it will go to a full marathon for the 25th Anniversary? I think that’s highly unlikely as most runDisney events are the half marathon distance with only the event next January in Walt Disney World being the full 26+ miles.
The most encouraging thing for me here is that rather than waiting to see how this ones goes, entries must have sold well that they feel confident enough to have already planned next year’s event and made it public knowledge, by way of the aforementioned interview. They had to really, as waiting until late September to green light the 2017 event would have been far too late, for both Disneyland Paris to plan and guests to book, especially the ones from the US who by all accounts make up a large part of the 2016 race entrants.
You can read the whole interview over at ED92 to find out lots more, but when ED92 asked: Will there be surprises at the rest stops? Laurent replied: As you can see, at Run Disney, ‘Every Mile is Magic’. Well, for us, ‘Every Kilometer is Magic’, so yes ! There will be surprises all along the course. I assume we from that we can expect to see a lot of characters out for the event, making this very first event in Disneyland Paris a very magical experience for all those involved. They have confirmed that Mickey himself will be in running gear – I wonder if the rest will be too and if any will actually run part of the course? Surely we can’t allow The Incredibles to enter, Dash would have somewhat of an unfair advantage!
I was unlucky to be out when bib only registrations went on sale this year, but it’s nice to know I haven’t missed out and I’ll get an opportunity to take part in 2017, and combine it with whatever the 25th Anniversary brings with it.