Disneyland Paris Photos: Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, Dreams!, but no Light’Ears
Thanks to Rob Glew who sent me these Disneyland Paris photos from his visit in late August. This first one beautifully captures the flames from the Dreams! show, which if you’ve seen it in person you’ll know that you can feel the heat from some way away.

Apart from the blazing fire, what you will notice is that there are no Light’Ears being used. It’s certainly not the sea of glowing Mickey ears that were seen at the press launch of these €20 accessories. What you can see is plenty of mobile phones and cameras held up to video and photograph the show. Maybe they should instead make Light’Ears that fit around people’s mobile gadgets instead? Here’s how my Samsung Galaxy S3 would look like wearing Light’Ears whilst videoing Dreams! in Disneyland Paris.

This second photo is a great shot of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle from a less traditional angle.

If we go in a bit closer you can see the Le Chateau de la Belle au Bois Dormant plaque on the wall above the portcullis. I wonder how many people have never noticed this?

Lovely photos – thanks Rob. If you have some Disneyland Paris Paris you’ve taken and would like to share then please email them over to with a little note about them, and I’ll try to feature as many as I can on the website. It’s always nice for me to look at them, and even better when I can share with thousands of other like minded Disneyland Paris fans. It doesn’t just have to be recent photos – it could be from a trip 20 years ago, or photos of memorabilia you’ve collected or old documents you were given. We love it all!