Listen to my guest spot on the In My Disney Opinion Podcast – Disneyland Paris Special
This past Saturday I was invited by Mark (@FuseMP) and Tara (@TaraPetar) to be a guest on the 3rd episode of their new In My Disney Opinion (IMDO) Podcast. It’s a unique podcast in that usually they pick 2 topics and then flip a coin to see who will be for, who will be against, and then the debate commences. It was done slightly differently with my inclusion and I had a fantastic time recording and catching up with old friends.
You can listen here online [haiku url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/imdopodcast/IMDO_-_Episode_Beta_3.mp3″]or you can right click and download it for later. You can also grab it from iTunes here.

The two debates in this episode were 1) What is the best way to get to Disneyland Paris and 2) What classic attraction would you like to see in Disneyland Paris? We had great fun debating both, and after you’ve listened you should go to the IMDO Podcast Facebook page and vote for who you thought argued their case the best. You don’t have to agree with their choice, just that their side of the debate was the best one put forward.
I’d love to know what you thought if my guest spot on the podcast and also whether you agree with me or not!