Duffy the Disney Bear has arrived at Disneyland Paris
The bear we, well you, have all been waiting for – the one and only Duffy the Disney Bear, has arrived in Disneyland Paris! Photos are from he ever brilliant @InsideDLParis who you should all follow on Twitter for daily photo updates from inside the parks.

These are the paw prints leading into the Storybook Store which is the official home for Duffy merchandise in Disneyland Paris. Speaking of the merchandise, here we go…

I was hoping for more Disney related costumes rather than just the kind of clothes you can get in Build A Bear. I thought there might be a Phantom Manor or Pirates of the Caribbean costume, or at the very least a Disneyland Paris t-shirt, much like the one on the Mickey teddy that sits in my office at work.
Ah, now this will teach me to look at all the photos from @InsideDLParis before moaning, because here are those very costumes that I have just said I wanted to see:

The Pirates of the Caribbean costume is actually very cute and I knowe my son would love the Lightning McQueen outfit. hang on, what am I saying – I can’t possibly be warming to the introduction of Duffy in Disneyland Paris?! Deep breath, calm down – remember, it’s just a teddy. If there’s one thing that is sure to bring me or any potential buyer back down to reality, it’s the prices:
Big/Grand Duffy – 69,99€
Small/Petit Duffy – 29,99€
Costume ((France)) – 15,99€
Wowser! So if I wanted a big Duffy and the 2 costumes I described liking earlier, it’s going to cost me a whopping 101,97€. Disneyland Paris are going to make a fortune, but the arguments between parents and children are going to be fierce!
Near the shop there is a new sign telling people the story of Duffy, which looks nice and does a great job of selling the concept of Duffy to park visitors.

It’s quite obvious that Disneyland Paris have big plans for Duffy and they are keen to replicate the success of the merchandise juggernaut that he has become in Tokyo Disneyland.
Once again, thank you to @InsideDLParis for the photos – as always the number one source for up to date Disneyland Paris photos