Disneyland Paris Magical Memorabilia: Cards, Watches, Lip Balm & Cocktail Stirrers
It’s been a while since I did one of these, but seeing the big box of Disneyland Paris stuff sitting in the lounge after a recent rummage, I thought it would be a good time to delve in and grab some bits, and so here we are. I’ll start with playing cards, of which two sets are featured. The first I bought many years ago, and left me slightly disappointed, but had I looked at the box properly I’d have seen this before I bought them.
So what am I talking about? The fact that these cards, although having Disneyland Resort Paris on the box, do not feature resort designs or photos on them, but generic Disney characters instead. Still, the box is nice, and back then I’d buy anything that had Disneyland (Resort) Paris on it!
The next set of cards I have never even opened, due to my strange obsession with keeping things sealed, especially if they are Star Wars branded as these Star Tours playing cards are. As with the ones above, some of the designs are featured on the back, so at least I get to see a selection of the cool Star Wars / Disney character mash ups without having to open them – God forbid!
When I go over to Disneyland Paris for the Last Trip to Endor event on March 16th I have no doubt I’ll come back with plenty more Star Tours collectibles, and maybe even a second tin of these cards, so I can take the bold step of actually opening one up!
Over the years I’ve bought quite a few watches from Disneyland Paris, and some like this, I didn’t even go that far to get, with eBay being my friend. Most of those have been discarded somewhere down the line, but for some reason this one ended up back in its box and in the big box of Disneyland Paris stuff.
I must have gone through a phase of really liking Mickey Mouse as I’m quite surprised that I bought a watch from the resort that had no mention of Disneyland Paris on the watch face or strap. I must have really liked the branding on the box and the underside of the watch.
I have no idea why I bought this lip balm. I do on occasion use it, but there’s no way I’d have walked around in the summer months with this in my pocket. Must have been during my obsessed with Mickey phase that saw me buy the watch above as well.
Last on the menu for today is these cocktail stirrers which quite obviously I got at Halloween. Which Halloween is the question though, as I visited both in 2006 and 2007 for the spooky season.
I’ve looked at old photos and I can’t see evidence of them, which suggests they were probably swiped out of drinks, wiped and put into bags before any photos were taken. I’ve always liked the pumpkin Mickey head, so I can understand why they came home with me.
I already know what will be featured in the next instalment of Disneyland Paris Magical Memorabilia, though it will require scanning. Here’s a clue to keep you going…