Disneyland Paris Gets Ready For Halloween 2013 and Looks Amazing
Yesterday we celebrated the 20th Anniversary on its final day, but today is all about Halloween in Disneyland Paris. The official launch day is this Saturday, but the day before on Friday 4th there will be a soft launch. A few of the Halloween decorations have been popping up every day for the last week or so, and this morning it has kicked into high gear with some stunning new additions. The following photos come from InsideDLParis who I urge you to follow on Twitter (@InsideDLParis) and Facebook (/InsideDLParis).

This is what Main Street Station looks like now that the big 20th Anniversary sign has been taken down. Now as much as we were all saying how much we liked that sign yesterday, and many were saying they were going to miss it, I think they may have actually raised the bar even higher with this Halloween sign. It’s a great combination of ghosts and Pumpkins which was the theme introduced last year.

This shot from a little further back shows the rest of the decorations – pumpkins and black and orange banners, both of which you will see all over Disneyland Park. This banners, pumpkins and ghosts theme continues all the way down Main Street, U.S.A.

It’s not just orange pumpkins though, as we can see from these white pumpkins, which I’m guessing are a combination of ghost and pumpkin…maybe?

Next up is a brand new photo location on Main Street, U.S.A.

This reminds me of Halloween from a few years ago when orange paint was a big feature and there used to be similar photo opportunities with static characters. This kind of photo opportunity always proved to be just as popular with adults and children, and yes, I do want you to show me photos you have taken here!

If poking your head through the hole of the previous photo location isn’t your thing then maybe sitting with this ghost couple is. With the increasing number of photo opportunities around Disneyland Paris I think they need to seriously start thinking about having a couple of PhotoPass photographers on hand, at least in Main Street, U.S.A. There are going to be many people who want all members of their party in these photos.
Speaking of photo opportunities, Minnie’s Costume Couture is new this year, and looks great.

But what would Minnie’s Costume Couture be without Minnie?

Minnie is not the only character that will be present on Main Street, U.S.A. during Disneyland Paris’ 2013 Halloween season, as you can also see Goofy over at his Crazy Sweet Factory.

Down in the Central Plaza area and we have the very special pumpkin character heads returning, and there are even more this year.

In that last photo of the Daisy Duck pumpkin head you can see the colours of all the flowers in the Central Plaza area, which are orange, brown and yellow. This fits in perfectly with the harvest Halloween theme that Disneyland Paris are going for this year. That attention to detail that makes Disneyland Paris stand out is present at every corner, and in every flower bed.
Finishing off Main Street, U.S.A. are these wonderful lights, that combine pumpkin inspired light surroundings with a witches hat.

Whenever I see anything to do with witches in Disneyland Paris I wonder if it will maybe lead to a return of the pink witches that were present last decade. However, as much as I like them I’m not sure they would really go with the harvest Halloween theme of 2013.
Speaking of Halloweens of past, though it is no longer Halloweenland, Frontierland has been deocrated, starting with the big sign you walk under when you come from Main Street U.S.A.

Frontierland has always received a lot of attention during the Halloween season and 2013 is no different, as you can from this pumpkin infused scene.

The pumpkin men are back, with a look of scarecrow about them which fits in nicely with the harvest theme of this year. They are not the pumpkin men of old, but some might say they are even better than those menacing characters hellbent on painting Halloweenland orange.

You’ve seen me mention the old Halloween celebrations in this very article, and I’ve talked about it many times over the last few years. I have to say, that seeing all these amazing visuals of the new and improved Halloween in Disneyland Paris, it may have a chance of equaling and even surpassing what they used to do. This new harvest Halloween looks really quite special and every part of it combines well and doesn’t feel out of place anywhere in Disneyland Park. Of course I’d have to experience it for myself to really make a judgment, but from these photos it looks pretty fantastic.
With the 20th Anniversary on the first step to becoming a distant memory, it would appear that Disneyland Paris have gone all out for Halloween in 2013, and what a great job they have done.
These are just a few of the superb photos taken by InsideDLParis – do make sure to follow him on Twitter and Facebook for a daily dose of Disneyland Paris magic.