Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary Magic Everywhere CD
This is the news that I and a lot of other people have been waiting for, and thanks to tweets from @InsideDLParis we can see that the first CD of the 20th Anniversary has been released. All three photos are from @InsideDLParis so make sure you follow him on Twitter for daily updates from Disneyland Paris.

This is the single release of Magic Everywhere, and includes the parade version as well as the instrumental version that’s used as the postshow of Disney Magic on Parade. We’ll have to wait for news of a full 20th Anniversary album with more songs on and when that will be released.
If you need a reminder of how the song sounds then our friends over at DLRP Today uploaded it to YouTube, so sit back and enjoy.
httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrAQo9_Qef4&hd=1 |
This is great news and I can’t wait to get one, probably via mail order. Who wouldn’t want to have that CD in their stereo this summer blasting out Magic Everywhere?