The Most Beautiful Disneyland Paris Map Ever?
It’s late at night and you can’t sleep. One click needs to another and you find yourself on a website with no idea how you got there and what you were looking for in the first place. A few nights ago that is exactly what happened when I found myself on the website of Natacha Birds, and began looking at her artwork.
There is lots to look at, but one thing in particular caught my eye, and that’s Natacha’s beautiful interpretation of the Disneyland Park map. The drawings of attractions like it’s a small world, Big Thunder Mountain, Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups and Phantom Manor, for example, are utterly charming. One thing that’s particularly impressive is the Autopia track, which is correct in its layout. Natacha’s attention to detail is every bit as good as the company whose work inspires her.

On her website Natacha offers the download of the map for free, and I have only put a watermark on it here as I want everyone to visit her website to see more and download it from there. Those who like it’s a small world, which should be everyone, might also be interested in her fantastic phone backgrounds and DIY it’s a small world creation.
As is shown on her website, I’ll be printing and framing the Disneyland Park map, and the home sweet home mug would make a great Christmas present for quite a few people I know.