Amazing Videos from Halloween & Terrorific Nights in Disneyland Paris
I did a bit of searching on YouTube and found some video footage from Halloween in Disneyland Paris from the last few days and some from earlier in October. In this first one the guys climbing onto the Backstage Studio Tram Tour bus looks terrifying. I love the look of the animatronic dragon – nice to finally have one in that area of the ride, makes it more recognisable as a scene from Reign of Fire. It’d be great if they kept the dragon there all year round, though I feel sorry for the guy that was fed to it though. The montage is fantastic and kudos to steveclm for putting it together, the music is especially fitting. Don’t watch it alone in the dark!
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvVe4hlRe0k |
This next one is of the Freaky Circus show on October 29th and is not for the feint hearted. Please be warned, it contains a lot of blood, fake blood, but it’s pretty gorey all the same. This video comes from bryce2169.
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKUm0TnL12g |
This next video is of the make up process for some characters from Alice in Wonderland for the show that took place in the Disneyland Park last night. A lot effort went into it but the results are fantastic. This video is from oziriostelle.
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NlAG7uh0Ig |
Mickey’s Halloween Treat in the Street was shown for most of October, but for those who missed it, here it is from the brilliant filipv who runs the great dlrpfans.be.
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PoA4Y09x-o |
Also from filipv is the Disney’s Maleficious Halloween Party 2011 at Disneyland Paris video.
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnbTL-zZ_pE |
This last video is all about how the Mickey Mouse pumpkins were grown for this year’s Disneyland Paris Halloween season and is from DisneyParks. So, who’s growing some next year?
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04yhDQhzUKA |
A great selection of footage and background from this year’s Halloween festivities in Disneyland Paris which we can all experience, to a lesser extent, thanks to the wonders of the internet and YouTube.