In the Mind of a Vinylmation Collector
As a collector of vinylmations myself I’m always interested to hear from other collectors. So let me introduce you to Danny who has kindly written an article for us about being a vinylamtion collector – take it away Danny! Let me begin with saying I love collecting stuff. Back in 2000 I bought my first pins in Disneyland Paris and bought and traded them for a year or three. Then, in 2004, I went to Walt Disney World and New York for the first time and when I came across a…
Disney Store Online to sell Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary Merchandise
For quite some time I’ve been wanting to see Disneyland Paris merchandise sold online, just like the American online Disney Store sells merchandise from the American parks. Well, that is happening – check out this page on DisneyStore.co.uk. For those that can’t click through, here is what is being said: From April 1, 2012, Disneyland Paris invites its guests to celebrate its 20th anniversary, in sparkling and magical style. Lots of surprises and new features have been imagined, to provide an explosion of magic, lights and colour. For all of us…
The Dedicated to DLP Vinylmation Project Stage 1
I like Vinylmations, but I only have one, and it’s a Halloween pumpkin Mickey that I bought in 2010. Why don’t I have more? The price – simple as that. I think £8 for a very basic minimally articulated figure to be quite a lot. Throw in the uncertainty of not knowing if you’re going to get one you like due to the close boxes and it’s not something I have gone head first in to collecting. When I was in Disneyland Paris in November they had lots, at varying prices,…
My first Vinylmation & Superior Disneyland Paris Shareholder Treatment
So when I was in Disneyland Paris last month I saw a display in one of the shops of these small Disney characters, all with Mickey ears but depicting different characters from the world of Disney. I didn’t give it much thought until I saw the word Vinylmation mentioned somewhere last week and decided to investigate. Seems there’s a whole world of these little vinyl figures and the Disney ones have been branded Vinylmation. It just so happens we were at the brand new Disney store in Milton Keynes today, which…