Brand new Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary parade music revealed
Those great people over at Disney Gazette have managed to get hold of quite a few pieces of new music that will be introduced into Disneyland Paris for the 20th Anniversary. The most interesting to me is the new song, Magic Everywhere, for the parade. For your listening pleasure, here it is:
[haiku url=”https://usercontent.one/wp/dedicatedtodlp.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Magic-Everywhere-Parade.mp3″]
This song takes the place of Just Like We Dreamed It, which in turn took the place of Dancin’ (A Catchy Rhythm). With that in mind I think it’s going to take a while before this new parade song reaches the high level set by it’s predecessors. In the past I have always defended parade songs from criticism, saying that they are very fitting for their intended use. This latest songs feels quite weak, and I’m not sure I can defend it when we will ultimately discuss it on the next episode.
Maybe after a few more listens I’ll like it, or maybe I need to see it accompanied by the parade. Or maybe I’ll just never like it as much as the parade songs that came before it. I like Dancin’ more than Just Like We Dreamed It, that’s no secret, but I feel the gap between those two is tiny in comparison to the one between Just Like We Dreamed It and Magic Everywhere.
I really want to like it as I have always thought the music at Disneyland Paris is one of it’s greatest assets and something they do extraordinarily well, but on this I’m not so sure. What do you think – do you love it straight away? Think you need a few more listens or absolutely hate it?