Disneyland Paris Pins for June 2013 – Monsters University, Princesses & Duffy
After not being very impressed with last month’s pin releases Disneyland Paris have come back with a mega month of releases, and then some!

Let’s quickly whiz past the Princess pin being released on Saturday 1st and fast forward 2 weeks when no less than 9 Monsters University pins will be released and the first summer pin of 3013, featuring a dwarf whose identity I can’t be sure of – anyone out there know? I like all of the Monsters University pins, except the Duffy one. Seeing poor Sully’s likeness being used on that bear is just sad. He’s not popular in the parks so let’s stop making pins for such a small market, ok? The logo pin looks great but it has 3 images showing – does it open up or maybe a disc slides out? The lanyard is really nice and the booster set features pins of lesser characters, which is a welcome departure from the usual way things are done.
Moving on another 2 weeks and we get two more Monsters University pins released, and these I absolutely love. These are made to look like the ID cards that Mike and Sully are given at University, complete with out of the shot Mike who is too small to get his whole head in view. We also get the second Rapunzel pin of the month released as this Princess locket pin series continues.
If you are in Disney village on Friday June 28th then the next pin trading event is being held at the Sports Bar, and maybe the outside refurbishments will be finished by then.
I’m not interested in Princesses, or Duffy and the Summer in does little for me, but wow, the selection of Monsters University is both plentiful and imaginative. The film is released in the US on June 21st but here in the UK we don’t get it until July 21st. In France they get it slightly earlier on July 10th, so these pins will be all be in full circulation by then.