Disneyland Paris Christmas & New Year Menu Book
No, you didn’t read the title of this post incorrectly, Disneyland Paris have created a 148 page book that details all the many incredible meals available over the festive period. Not only are the veritable feasts on offer mouth wateringly sumptuous, but the design of the book is pretty fantastic, with some stunning artwork. You can download the whole book as a PDF here, but be warned, it’s over 34MB!

It’s been years since I spent actual Christmas Day in Disneyland Paris, and even then I didn’t have any of the special meals on offer. Looking at these menus, of which are there are many, that may need to be rectified in the future.
Now we just need them to produce some books, that we can actually buy to own, using a similar level of quality and creativity as we see with this menu book. We have the 20 Years of Dreams book which is absolutely tremendous, but I want more. With the upcoming opening of the new Ratatouille mini-land in 2014, how about a detailed book of the development of the attraction, restaurant and area, with photos showing how the project progressed over time.
Anyway, back to the menus, and to anyone who will be in Disneyland Paris over Christmas – enjoy, and don’t eat too much – you might sink the boats in Pirates of the Caribbean!