Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary Magic Everywhere song video – I like it!
Yesterday was the big Annual Sharholder’s meeting in Disneyland Paris where the main topic of conversation was the 20th Anniversary and all the new things coming to the parks. Thanks to disneymagicinteractive.com we can actually hear, for the first time, the Magic Everywhere song that will be played during the new Disney Magic on Parade, and here it is:
httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyNvTj6jFns&hd=1 |
First of all, it’s nice to see all the characters in their wiazrading outfits after only seeing concept artwork for the past few months. Mickey looks great but it’s Chip and Dale that I think look especially cute in their new outfits.
Now, onto the actual song, and I did read a few people saying they weren’t sure if they liked it, but on my very first listen, which was just moments ago, I really liked it. When Just Like We Dreamed It took over from Dancin’ (A Catchy Rhythm) in 2007 I wasn’t very impressed, not because Just Like We Dreamed It wasn’t good, but because I loved Dancin’ (A Catchy Rhythm) so very much. Maybe that’s why I like Magic Everywhere straight off the bat, because it’s not replacing a song that is my favourite piece of music to ever come out of Disneyland Paris.

If I like the song played on a YouTube video with pretty bad sound quality and out of focus visuals, I can only imagine that hearing it whilst watching the brand new parade coming down Main ST USA will be absolutely amazing. In fact, I’d go as far as to say it will sound like there is Magic Everywhere
I fully expected for it take some time before I warmed to the Magic Everywhere but it hasn’t – I love it! What do you think – do you like it? Will you miss Just Like We Dreamed It? Check back at this article if you want to see the lyrics and sing along.
While we’re on the topic of the Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary, you have to watch this video that they released yesterday showing all the history of Disneyland Paris in over 1000 images. It’s called Generation Disneyland: 1992 – 2012 and is one of the greatest Disneyland Paris videos I have ever seen:
httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEEeDt8pd70 |