Disneyland Paris Photo Friday: Inside Merlin l’Enchanteur
You’d think by now I’d know, that when in Disneyland Paris, you should always take the time to look around at everything, and not just be content with the first thing your eyes are drawn to. I hold my hands up, I’m guilty of entering the Merlin l’Enchanteur shop inside Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant and being immediately drawn to whoever is crafting magical trinkets from glass. In the photo below it would appear it was Loic, who was molding and melting when I visited two weekends ago.

However, this time I actually tilted my head up, and was rewarded with the sight of many lights, objects and inventions, only fitting to be in the workplace of someone like Merlin, or possibly even Leonardo DaVinci. The following are just some of the amazing examples of how the imagineers themed this wonderful shop, that are possibly missed by many who enter.

It makes me wonder what else, in the many times I have visited Disneyland Paris, that has also gone unnoticed? I think a trip of enlightenment is needed in the near future, with camera in hand.